Forty Days (#1-3)

It’s actually about day #7….I haven’t taken the time to build the brain-port that will grab my thoughts and feed them to the computer.  Some days, that’s a good thing.  Other days, when my mind is on a roll but my hands are doing other things, it would be so convenient…

On a long overnight discussion with a friend who also has an interest in writing, I mentioned advice posted by blogger/author Tricia Lott Williford:  “Write something every day.”  So simple.  Choose a time and place, make your appointment with your pen or keyboard, and as Nike says, Just Do It.  (another friend of mine is also fond of the phrase)

We agreed, the other would-be writer and I, to write a statement of praise once daily for the next forty days.  Then I   spent a week of days doing everything but writing.

Until today.

It won’t get done until it’s begun…

  1. I am thankful for the gifts of work-for-pay that I’ve received lately.
  2. I am thankful for the gifts of food that have filled my freezer recently.
  3. I am thankful for the gifts of clothes that allow me to look nice without buying another professional wardrobe in yet another larger size.

Regarding these three, let’s take a moment to review what Jesus Himself said…

31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, andyour heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.(Matthew 6:25-34)

There are several testimonies, biblical, modern, and in the centuries between, of God keeping that very promise.  There are examples in my life and in the lives of people I’m no more than 2 connections away from, where He has done likewise.  There are some things that weigh heavy on my mind these days, but whether I will have shelter, food, and clothes is not on the list.

There are the first three…here are the next.

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