Help Me Grow

Long ago, Mom made an Artex wallhanging of “Children Learn What They Live” – a great poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D., and worthy of parents’ frequent reading. I’ve read it so often that I’m certain it had influence on this one, which says some of the same things, but is more wordy.



Be consistent with me, then I can trust your words and actions.

Comfort me when I’m scared, hurt or sad – then I’ll know that I’m okay even when I’m not feeling strong or happy.

Take responsibility for all your feelings and actions, then I also won’t blame others, and I’ll take responsibility for my life.

Communicate what you feel hurt or frightened about when you’re angry at me, then I’ll feel I’m a good person, and I’ll learn how to constructively deal with my feelings.

Tell me clearly and specifically what you want, then I can hear you and I’ll also know how to communicate my needs in a positive way.

Express to me that I’m okay even when my words or behavior may not be, then I can learn from my mistakes and have strong self-esteem.

Balance your life between work and play, then I can believe that I can grow up, be responsible, and still have fun.

Remember what you wanted when you were my age, then you’ll better understand my needs and interests.

Understand and accept me. I may be different from you and that’s ok.

Treat me as an individual, then I’ll know that I can be my unique self.

Hug me and tell me you care about me, then I’ll feel lovable and I’ll express caring to others.

Thank you for hearing me – I LOVE YOU!