2014 – Sept-Nov: Falling

Things have been falling… Whether “falling apart” or “falling together” is a matter of which venture the person you ask is thinking of at a given moment.

  • I’m not meeting my blogging goals of monthly ministry reports, keeping everyone informed on a regular basis, daily or even weekly articles, making sure everything is organized and accessible to visitors with varied interests…
  • I’ve not made weekly additions to the store – the expressions exist, but timely follow-through remains a challenge…
  • I’ve not gotten quarterly newsletters and/or funding requests written and mailed out faithfully…
  • I’ve been running into technical problems that are just big enough to stymie nearly everything I’m working on…

And yet, with so much I’ve failed to accomplish, we’ve still accomplished much:

  • We’ve compiled all the feedback from the summer of testing the VBS in various churches.  See “Invitations Accepted” for details.
  • We’re making progress on editing the documentation part of the VBS curriculum based on observations and feedback.
  • We’ve revamped the Cafe (snacks) menu and now have video of the actor (Carlo) introducing the foods, signs for the foods, and the application to the lesson of the day.
  • We’ve got the instrumental recordings for all songs in season 5 of Dr. Wonder’s Workshop.
  • We’re in early communication with other ministries about the next potential project.  This invitation fits right into the Silent Blessings goal of getting a curriculum online so that any child or family with internet access can learn about Jesus, scriptures, and saving grace.
  • We’re set & ready to distribute DVDs to children for Christmas through hospitals, shelters, churches, and other outreach ministries.

On another front, I’m joining with a retired missionary to Botswana in a startup deaf ministry in New Castle, within an hour of my lodging in Albany.  He understands the importance of “indigenous leadership”, in this context meaning that the deaf people build this ministry according to the customs of deaf culture.   This direct contact and mentoring, and keeping my hands in the language, is what I’ve been craving and reaching toward.  These are people who didn’t have gospel resources available in sign language during their formative years…so while I’m partnering with Silent Blessings to develop resources for deaf kids, I’m also anxious to introduce Jesus to those who haven’t met Him yet.  Teaming up with a seasoned missionary who has deaf contacts seems to be just the ticket.

On yet another front (or side), I’ve renewed efforts on writing, with the hopes that some of it will sell enough to bring income.  I’ve been receiving encouraging feedback from people in the writing and publishing industry, we’ll see what happens.  There’s a children’s book done, one nearly done, a few in the hopper, and two in the bit-bucket (reference tech issues, above).  The novel is progressing, and tomorrow I join a few writers on a road trip to a day conference on writing dialogue.

What’s a near-year-end report without some financial details?  The short answer is:

If you want the gory details, click here.

  • My host still enjoys my company and is willing for me to stay indefinitely.
  • Silent Blessings is receiving contributions earmarked for my support, enough to pay wages for 8 hours a week.  The rest of the hours I put in are considered volunteer.
  • Silent Blessings is receiving contributions earmarked for the VBS project, so time dedicated to specific tasks such as the Cafe video taping can be paid as wages from those funds.
  • Several people have fed my car from time to time, so I rely on the credit card less for regular transportation. (drive time is 1.5 hours each of 3-5 days a week)
  • The school note is in a deferred status, so I don’t have a monthly obligation of $500, yet it is continuing to accrue interest & stands at $34k.
  • The credit card debt is down to about $10k, and interest free until April 2015.  (this with 4 new tires and both front & rear windshields replaced since graduation – folks paid for some major engine & exhaust work)
  • Anything not directly in support of Silent Blessings (developing resources to reach deaf children) is an unsupported expense, and has so far been covered by donated room & board, direct gifts, a couple of savings accounts, and the net wages received from Silent Blessings.
  • There is no additional savings account for emergencies, car replacement, future housing, or medical expenses.
  • There is no medical insurance or reimbursement plan at this time.  A reimbursement plan is available at $150/month.  Eyes, dental, and general checkup are well overdue.
  • No additions have been made to my retirement accounts since 2008, they each stand at $27k, and I cannot access them for another 17 years.

I’m not big on asking, but facts are pesky things, and the fact is, my known resources are running rather thin, and my debts have me somewhat bogged down.  God provides, usually through others, so if you’re inclined to invest in the portion of missions assigned to me, please do so.  If you haven’t given the matter any thought until now, please do so, prayerfully.

If you’re wondering what the big deal with deaf ministries is, see this rather enlightening video regarding deaf in other countries, and sobering insights about deaf here in the U.S. (See Deaf Missions & Deaf Kids Connect)

If you’re inclined to send a gift card or other tangible (or edible) item, see “Dear Santa” for suggestions (like Chik-fil-A).

Whatever the case, I’m not giving in, giving up, backing out, or backing down.  However things fall apart or fall together, I still trust the One who holds all the pieces.  You can too.