
It was a few months before my graduation, a little over a year ago now.  I had just finished another one of those Mother-Daughter conversations that daughters can recite with astounding accuracy  – it’s practically scripted.  Truth be told, it has been for generations, but some mothers & daughters get an early escape from it.  …

An Honest Dandelion

Children are precious, especially when they’re still in the innocent stage of seeing every colorful bloom as a beautiful flower.  For a few years, those plants we invest hours and paychecks in eliminating, known to us as weeds, are bright perky flowers the color of sunshine, a wonderful way to express love.  Best of all, …

Relationships: design & distortion

It’s not good for the man to be alone – I will make a helpmeet for him. (Gen 2:18) DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know there are exceptions, I’ve met several of them. The trend, however, still significantly outweighs the exceptions. <END DISCLAIMER> Guys seem to know this inherently… let a woman get sick, and she’ll hide …

Death of Pretty

I didn’t write this – and I certainly can’t improve upon it, but it’s more than worth sharing, and so I shall. The Death of Pretty It’s an article in the National Catholic Register, but has nothing to do with Catholicism.  It’s a discussion on the difference between “pretty” and “hot”, and our culture’s unfortunate …

?Stained Glass?

‘Stained Glass’ is a composite business for all my marketable skills…  computing, facilitating meetings, clowning, writing, singing, and at some point interpreting.  As I renew my sewing, that name will go on quilts & such.  I considered ‘Patchwork’ and ‘Mosaic’, but Stained Glass lends itself to some really neat ideas: