Five Minute Friday – “Try”

A few weeks ago, I decided to join Five Minute Friday. It’s a group of bloggers who free-write for exactly five minutes on a one-word prompt. The word that week was “Try,” and I like the idea I came up with, but Friday came and went without me getting it typed and submitted. I still …

Why I should stay off FB

I declared myself off of FB…should have followed my own counsel…but I popped in and learned something important about a friend, which caused me to pop in again, and spinning deeper into the vortex that is FB, I found the following recurring themes begging comment. So, here are the comments – all in one spot. …

Can you get to Heaven without an Ark?

It’s one of those topics that begs exploration and honest discussion. … It is right to prove the credibility of ideas – and yet such exploration can lead us to take more than a bite of the fruit of human knowledge. Ultimately, only one question matters.

Unhealthy Alignment

In the past few years of increased driving, I’ve started to notice a tendency that I’m having significant trouble correcting. It’s the unhealthy alignment of my right leg – dominant for drivers in the USA. Naturally, as my thoughts tend to do (especially when driving), I found a devotional thought in this observation.

Computer, I want…

Ahh, Star Trek… one of my favorites for several reasons.  What fun it would be to schedule holographic vacations where you could take trips to anywhere and dance with computer-generated figures of just the right build and character…  Then you could sit down to an actual meal of generated lobster with perfectly grilled asparagus…  What …