Church, Online

There are no accusations, no measuring rods, no bullwhips or bullhorns – just empathy, encouragement, a few suggestions of where others found help – one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread – church, online. Is your church anything like what these people are finding online? Shouldn’t it be?

Timing is Everything

God is Good, All the Time… and He’s personally, intimately acquainted with my ways…and how/when to arrange things and schedules and people to not only bring about His purposes in this world and our lives, but also to give us some of the most precious gifts that may have no great affect on the cosmos, but are very important to each of us personally.

Dream: Sumo Dad & a Baby Pool

In this morning’s dream… I was visiting a missionary friend who has 2 daughters, about 3 & 5. As we were discussing a map of his territory & plans & such (with the Wall of China and some remote areas), the elder got in a pool in the living room, over her head, so I …