The votes are in – now what?

November 7th, 2012, the day after… Voting in America has happened once again, and I have been more involved in it than ever before.  No, I didn’t march with banners or knock on neighborhood doors to encourage people to agree with me, I did something that’s apparently becoming rare – I was on the front …

Voice of Which People??

Day one of the new schedule, sort of…  I was up & out this morning to join my neighbor and her dog for the “morning constitutional stroll”.  On my doorstep was a pair of fliers announcing a group promoting freedom and the voice of the unheard. So, I’ve given them a little more than an hour of …

If I ran the Welfare System…

As a cashier observing the patterns of people coming through the grocery line getting their sustenance for the day/week/month (yes, even a year’s worth in one visit!), there are a few things I’d like to see done differently.  I really believe that the below proposed adjustments would be very helpful for both the recipients and …

Taxes, Taxes

I’d like to see two things, highly possible with current technology: a published/updated pie chart of where each tax dollar goes (drillable, so the little pork projects can’t hide), and a way for people to voluntarily sign up and contribute more ‘tax’ dollars (above the minimal base) for causes they care about.