Stained Glass Store

Yes, there is one…a place for buying hats, mugs, bags, mousepads and pillows with quippy one-liners on a variety of topics (of course).  They started out as bumper stickers, but since I don’t stick anything to my car, we’ll make them available on everything else. Here are some of the designs you’ll find. The store is …

Sim Games – a metaphor for life

Many are familiar with the popular Sim (simulation) games, known by titles such as Farm Town, FarmVille, YoVille, Millsbury, Mafia Wars…   They have a basic pattern, granting ‘energy’ points at a rate of 1 per 5 minutes to a maximum determined by your level in the game.  A player expends these energy points at different …

Long Story Short

Admittedly, 46 years of impressions, studies, goals, successes, failures, pep-talks, and restarts is a long (LONG) story. Likewise, compressing it all into one line conclusions and whether current status can be considered progress or regress is another challenge that leaves out far too many details to satisfy most. I find myself back-pedaling to explain, then …

Liberties & Rights

A radio speaker recently mentioned that the word ‘Liberty’, once frequently praised as a core aspect of American life, has fallen into disuse. We don’t refer to our liberties as much as we used to, or give thanks to the God and soldiers and decision makers who provided and preserved them for us. The word …

Two Rounds with a Toaster Oven

Last week, I picked a fight with a toaster oven. As the hearty scrubbing was about to begin, someone came to its rescue with distracting conversation. A few days later, I gathered reinforcements. Each time I saw the oven, I would silently declare “I’m coming back for you”. It didn’t know me well enough to …