The Men I Didn’t Marry

Relax, guys, it’s not a full-disclosure expose, honest. It’s just that, occasionally, I think of each of you, and to differing degrees and for various reasons, I give thanks. Mr. ‘First Love’ married someone else and had multiple children – now the family is in turmoil because of characteristics I was once too starstruck to …

Relationships: design & distortion

It’s not good for the man to be alone – I will make a helpmeet for him. (Gen 2:18) DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know there are exceptions, I’ve met several of them. The trend, however, still significantly outweighs the exceptions. <END DISCLAIMER> Guys seem to know this inherently… let a woman get sick, and she’ll hide …

Mother of Many

There’s a promise in Isaiah 54:1, that the desolate or barren woman will have more children than she who is married.   This was true of my Aunt Bettie, long a single woman yet surrounded by children and young adults, and it is turning out to be true of me. My fourth “~grandchild~” was just …


Those born with the gift of nurturing imagine we will guide our children on magical discoveries. In the meantime, we practice on surrogates – other peoples’ children – nieces and nephews, cherished friends, sunday school classes and scout troops.

Enter the ‘spinster paradigm’ – the single person with the car, career, house, and three cats. Whatever the form, there’s someone to miss you when you’re gone and greet you when you get home.

Third Date

Once upon a time, and in a few other cultures, the bedroom was a perk of being married, right up there with the big party and three shiny new toasters. But, that’s old hat these days.