Dear Santa… (2023)

My wish list this year? More time than things.


There are many layers to a ministry to deaf children, and these little ones are worth the investment.

Dear Santa (2020)

What a year, eh? It’s been crazy, but I’m still blessed and thankful, content without another thing. If I don’t try to make a list, though…you know the rest…so here goes. I’m postponing my birthday this year. The 23rd is my host’s 90th birthday, and we’re going to celebrate as big as 2020 and stroke …

Dear Santa (2018)

Dear Santa – I’ve learned that lists are necessary, so here y’go. I’m quite thankful for all that you bring me each year, and throughout the year. Honestly, I’m quite spoiled and overflowing with blessings… Not sure how the whole winter will stack up, but I’ve been granted garage space in my current lodging, so …

Dear Santa (2015)

Dear Santa – Just like last year, I really don’t need stuff.  I have areas stuffed with stuff.  Honestly, this year’s birthday gift was so big that a Christmas list seems greedy. But I know that lists make it easier to get checkmarks – Mrs. Claus and I both like checkmarks.