Genesis 22: Surrender Isaac

Isaac was born in chapter 21, when Abraham was 100 years old. Hagar and Ishmael, the Egyptian servant and her son by Abraham (at Sarah’s prompting) were sent away.   Years went by, and God came to Abraham and asked him to give up, as a burnt offering, this miracle son through whom He had promised …

Genesis 17-21: Covenants

At 99 years of age, Abram (meaning ‘exalted father’) was renamed Abraham (meaning ‘father of nations’), and his wife Sarai was renamed Sarah – both of these changes made by God.  God repeated His promise, clarifying that the covenant people would be born of Sarah (Isaac), and laid out the terms of Abraham’s obedience (and …

Genesis 10-16: Flood to Ishmael

Through the sons of Noah, the world began to be repopulated.   Chapter 10 provides genealogical information.  Being of one family, they all spoke the same language (I rather doubt it was English).  An agreement was made that they should build a city and a tower to reach to Heaven, and so they set to the task. God, in Heaven, …