Five Minute Friday – “Try”

A few weeks ago, I decided to join Five Minute Friday. It’s a group of bloggers who free-write for exactly five minutes on a one-word prompt. The word that week was “Try,” and I like the idea I came up with, but Friday came and went without me getting it typed and submitted. I still …

Five Minute Friday – “Speak”

In America, thanks to the first amendment to the constitution, you have the right to express yourself. But please, America, let’s express ourselves responsibly.

Why I should stay off FB

I declared myself off of FB…should have followed my own counsel…but I popped in and learned something important about a friend, which caused me to pop in again, and spinning deeper into the vortex that is FB, I found the following recurring themes begging comment. So, here are the comments – all in one spot. …

Patrick Speaks

Patrick Speaks is a short video about a deaf young man in Uganda, and others like him.  They have a unique opportunity, thanks to one person who chose to learn, then return home to make a difference. At the end, Patrick is granted a sign name…the sign they use means “Smile” in one or more sign languages. …

On That Day

Some moments make an impression so deep that you never forget the surrounding details.