
I remembered, though I’m not quite sure how, and I prayed for her – added my whisper to the millions that ascended to Heaven on her behalf.  It’s his birthday today, easily on the top 5 list of impossibly rough days in this, her first year of widowhood. Birthdays are her thing.  I have a friend like …

Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language

I wish this existed, and I had known about it, 30 years ago…  but the information is available now, we’ll go with that. See also:  See What I’m Saying, the music video from the documentary by the same title.

Style Variations on a Theme

Assignment: Take a known story and express a portion of it in the various communication styles – y’know, narrative, persuasive, etc… Enjoy.

Little Brother

[W]ith all the attention he got, Sheila found herself wishing they’d just send him back with the stork that brought him. Over the next several years, she repeated that wish to anyone who might be able to do something about it – Jesus, Santa, the Easter Bunny… she even left a note with the zookeeper, just in case that stork ever flew in to visit his family.

Help Me Grow

Long ago, Mom made an Artex wallhanging of “Children Learn What They Live” – a great poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D., and worthy of parents’ frequent reading. I’ve read it so often that I’m certain it had influence on this one, which says some of the same things, but is more wordy. ———————- Please… …