2014 January – May: We Welcome You

You know I couldn’t reference Oz without bringing in at least one song…  and it’s fitting.  You’ll remember the house landed with a thud, a colorful place opened up, and a host of friendly people began singing their welcomes and representing their organizations… the Lullaby League, the Lollipop Guild, etc…  The people who have welcomed …

Deaf Kids Connect

Our name has changed, but the need remains the same. Jesus loves me, this I knowfor the Bible tells me so.Little ones to Him belong –they are weak, but He is strong. Anna Bartlett Warner (1827–1915) Generations of mothers, fathers, babysitters and other caretakers have sung or hummed this song while rocking a small child. Many …

Bilingual Competency vs Interpreting

Competency in two languages does not an interpreter make. Now, how do I explain that (quickly, effectively, politely) to sincere opportunists who need communication to take place in two languages, only one of which they know? I’ll start directing them to this article. 🙂  Or, perhaps, to the article in Psychology Today. I am an …

Long Story Short

Admittedly, 46 years of impressions, studies, goals, successes, failures, pep-talks, and restarts is a long (LONG) story. Likewise, compressing it all into one line conclusions and whether current status can be considered progress or regress is another challenge that leaves out far too many details to satisfy most. I find myself back-pedaling to explain, then …

Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language

I wish this existed, and I had known about it, 30 years ago…  but the information is available now, we’ll go with that. See also:  See What I’m Saying, the music video from the documentary by the same title.