A Place Called Hell

No soul that comes into existence will ever ‘not be,’ so eternal life for every soul is a given. The next question becomes, what kind of life, where?

Who packs your ‘chute?

If you’re relying on the parachute, you will fly – no matter what – no flapping required.
If you’re relying on your own flapping, well, the fall isn’t what kills you – it’s that sudden stop at the end…

?Stained Glass?

‘Stained Glass’ is a composite business for several of my marketable skills. I considered ‘Patchwork’ and ‘Mosaic’, but Stained Glass lends itself to some really neat ideas:

The First, The Last, Amen

Betty Waller Parsley Stepp, 3/10/07 – written 3 years, almost to the day, before she passed away on 3/7/10, after a long journey through Alzheimers The last time I saw her was a Grace, and Amazing… In a small country church, she rose to go forward and sing. She had done this before in her …


When a light is shined onto a clean reflective object, then more light is expressed. When the same light is shined onto the same object, though dirty, reflection does not occur and the light simply disappears into the dirt. Christ shines on you – how clean are you? How much do you reflect His Glory …