Long Story Short

Admittedly, 46 years of impressions, studies, goals, successes, failures, pep-talks, and restarts is a long (LONG) story. Likewise, compressing it all into one line conclusions and whether current status can be considered progress or regress is another challenge that leaves out far too many details to satisfy most. I find myself back-pedaling to explain, then …

Dishwasher Inspections

I’ve been inspecting dishes as I unload the dishwasher for many years now, perhaps you do too.  The thing is, the jets in that machine are fabulous at what they do, washing many dishes at the same time, but there are a few food bits that can hang on until they get some special attention …


“Don’t stomp so much!” Well, with 200 lbs coming down on a size 9 1/2 wide, usually at a moderately brisk pace, it’s a little tough to step lightly. The worst is hard heels on a wooden floor  – it takes all I have to not run for the carpeting because the sound is so …

What is she Thinking?!

It’s beginning to look a lot like…er..wrong topic… It seems to be getting about time to start paying attention to some of the apocalypse movies I grew up on in the 1970’s & ’80’s. No, not the ones with brain-eating zombies and androids covered in living tissue, or even the ones where pod aliens replaced …