Dream: Sumo Dad & a Baby Pool

In this morning’s dream…

I was visiting a missionary friend who has 2 daughters, about 3 & 5. As we were discussing a map of his territory & plans & such (with the Wall of China and some remote areas), the elder got in a pool in the living room, over her head, so I went & got her out before she drowned. Back to the map…and suddenly I heard the baby crying hot! hot! hot! – turned around and saw that she had her hand on an iron, so I went & pulled her hand away & tended to her. Then I really came unglued when I realized that the iron had just been in the pool with the first girl – eeek!! The dad, looking like a sumo buddha with more than the usual amount of fabric (thankfully), was completely undisturbed by the whole thing… not uncaring, just, not surprised or worried.

– the apparent chaos is under control
– the One in charge is neither shocked nor dismayed by the events
– the children are His responsibility and He’ll look after them, despite their worst, or my best
– I cannot prevent danger, but I can love (and I do, and I will)
– He’s bigger than me, and can (and will) wrestle the opponents who would squish me/mine

Now I wish I could remember the map, and what He was saying about it…

– China: heard a story on the radio about the Wall of China, and saw my cousins at a family gathering – they adopted a little asian girl, and are in the process of adopting another
– Missionary: well, that’s why I’m here…not there…
– Girls: 🙂 somewhat self explanatory, given my cousins, and my love for my girls…
– Pool: ask AJ 🙂 a children’s pool played prominently in our chat this morning…
– Iron: I’ve got the iron & board out to press my work shirts
– Danger: again, self explanatory to those for whom the dream was given…
– Love & Rescue: you’ll only need that explained if you don’t know me…
– Sumo: He’s bigger than me 🙂 (do YOU wanna take on a sumo??)
– Father: very self explanatory 🙂 His is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever, amen

Love them, talk to Him…

so, I’m writing this here note, and suddenly remembered a song I started writing many years ago, which unfortunately went in the bit bucket when my computer crashed…
“The children will be fine, you’ve placed them in My hands, that’s the only safe place they could be . . . just do your best and leave the rest to Me.”

May it be so.