2014 June-August: Invitations Accepted

This summer, I drove almost 3,000 miles, replaced 4 tires, met new people, visited old friends, and participated in half of the beta tests for the new bilingual (ASL/English) Vacation Bible School, Dr. Wonder’s Sign Lab.   All the while, my Provider provided…my Protector protected…and He who knows me best managed the scheduling details so that I didn’t miss some one-chance opportunities.

First on the agenda was a family camp up north, and a pleasant heart-lifting surprise.  “You invited us, we came.”  Simple as that.  I’ll have to do that again.   A child had a breakthrough with her language and self esteem, a parent spoke to another parent who once struggled with some of the same questions, and I had an  opportunity to visit freely with someone who’s becoming a friend.  It is an encouragement to see that deliberately nurturing a business relationship isn’t such a frivolous idea after all.  In fact, I recommend it.

Next was a long awaited visit with others embarking on deaf ministry.  I’m not good at networking from a salesmanship perspective, but I absolutely love connecting the dots to see what God is drawing!  I also have an opportunity to explore more of the way He does things…but that’s another article.  During the visit, I extended more invitations, this time to the first run-through of the new VBS.

“You invited us, we came, and the kids begged to come back.”  How’s that for an endorsement?! Children fluent in both languages were anxious to return to an unfamiliar church with people they hadn’t met before – in a week when they were attending another VBS during different hours.  That’s huge.   Those seeking to minister also accepted my invitation,  with hopes to have a place of service, and found one.  Due to unexpected events, there was a station that needed leaders.  We now have feedback on whether the tools can be effective without an opportunity to read the materials in advance.  (not recommended, but good to know)  Thanks much to both families, your input is highly valued, and I’m thankful you accepted my invitation.

“You invited us” – this one went both ways.  The church in Columbus invited us to bring the VBS, and we invited them to be among the few who would use and evaluate the materials this summer.  It was a wonderful partnership, and we gathered a lot of valuable information. For example, there will be several clarifications added to the “Paula’s Lab” section.  It is good to try new things among the safety of friends and family.  As for the kids, few of them realized how hard the adults were working, they had a great time, and were happy to explain the lessons or share the signs and songs with their parents.  !SCORE!

As I headed south per my itinerary, Marshall and Terry headed west to the second VBS on the schedule, in Arizona.  The leaders there were equally excited about offering Dr. Wonder’s Sign Lab,  especially since the group of children they serve are primarily deaf.  We learned that the curriculum remains coherent when compressed to three days of the five prepared.  Once again, the children were enthusiastically involved in the VBS and the lessons being taught.

I spent some time with family – we gather every year, since 1923, taking time out of our individual schedules to catch up and reacquaint ourselves with those we love.  We are a large network of people, intertwined by blood and shared memories of a place and the generation that grew up there.  It’s good to have a place, and a people, to call home.

I visited a friend I haven’t seen in way too many years.  There, I learned where some of my humor and joy of word play must have come from.  I was also challenged about the phrase “of course”.  Bless her, she has forever erased that clause from my written vocabulary.  We played, laughed, talked, and most importantly, she got a glimpse of what she’s been praying for since the mid 1970’s.

If you have a rich heritage of family and friends, be sure to take time out to enjoy them, and thank them for their contribution to your life.  

I spent a week at the National Association of the Deaf conference with 1,000 other signers, a dozen volunteers (among the 100+ volunteers who kept the whole thing going), and a couple of deaf ministries.  Once again, I met David Reynolds, our Dr. Wonder, and gave him directions to a place he needed to be.  Two years ago, it was directions to a water fountain.  This may be the extent of my relationship with this famous man – bless his heart, I’m always telling him where to go 😉

I had been thinking of another visit between Georgia and home, another family of friends I haven’t seen in two years, but I hesitated to make the arrangements.  As it turns out, there was somewhere else I needed to be.

We have blood family, we have friends, and we have those precious few who blur the lines between the two.  My “second mom” went Home, but not before the conference was over, which gave me time enough to enjoy one more Schlotzsky’s Original and drive back for her service.  She would have wished to greet all the friends who were there, dear people I haven’t seen in many years.  She was, however, otherwise occupied…there are many she’s been anxious to see, especially Jesus.

I returned to Indiana in time for the third VBS trial, a week in Paula’s Lab taking notes, a few peeks at Billy’s Games and the Hologram Room, and a lot of children who were very happy we accepted the invitation to bring the VBS to their community.  They taught their congregation about sharing God’s love with others in a touching Sunday service.

I had just enough time to join my host for lunch before he headed off to a road trip out west, and Marshall & Terry headed south for the last VBS and a much needed break among their family.

Now school is starting, we’re all back in our places, and I’m extending invitations for you to join us on the next part of the adventure:

  • We will apply what we learned, which means editing documents as well as redoing some videos and the accompanying voice-overs and captions.
  • We will finish the snacks and missions modules, where Carlo and Lisa will be reinforcing the lessons and introducing the children to aspects of deaf culture.
  • We will finish Season 5 of Dr. Wonder’s Workshop, which means audio, song writing, choreography, more video, and captions.
  • We will accept invitations to represent the need for deaf ministries, and to represent Jesus in the deaf community.

How about you?  Are you ready to extend an invitation to some of the people in your world to learn about deaf culture, deaf ministries, and the pioneer project of a VBS accessible for all kids?

I’m anxious to accept your invitation!

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