Any Distraction Will Do

What issue(s) are you focused on? Something in the political realm? The differences between the world you see and the one you remember, or dream of later? Technological advances that threaten to leave you in the dust? Financial matters and how your retirement account might be affected by the next event beyond your control?

Maybe you’re like me and you believe all this is covered, so you focus somewhere else. Specifically, what the wolves are wearing this season. I’m not big on doctrinal details, but there are many folks sneaking in with subtle nice sounding ideas that lead ernest folks astray. These, I’ve found myself getting caught up in. They’re worthy concerns, to be sure. We are told in scripture to guard our hearts, to be discerning, and to know the times – as well as being warned that the circumstances at the end would be strong enough to deceive the elect.

What I’m finding is that wolf-fighting will also keep us too distracted to pay attention to the Shepherd and nurture fellow sheep. In my younger years, it was styles of music – some of which I don’t call music. I later learned that someone I relied on had deceived many – be careful who you put on a pedestal, they might fall off. I haven’t succumbed to the silly notions of date-setting, but I know we’re significantly closer than previous generations. Lately, there’s been a fair bit of “Did you hear about…?” and “Beware of…!” Frankly, I’m finding that I can’t keep up with all the issues, research, talking points, boycotts, etc… I bless those that can speak well to the issue(s) they’re addressing, and I want to know their positions. I also want to say, they’ve got this, and I need to focus on my assignment.

It struck me recently, any distraction will do. Think of how counterfeit specialists are trained – not by examining the ever growing variety of counterfeits, but by handling real money. The better you know the real thing, the faster you notice that which isn’t quite right. We might be guilty of spending so much energy on the ever growing variety of false teachings that we neglect the real life giving ones.

Perhaps you can’t be drawn away from leaning on Christ alone as your only source of salvation. Good! But, what are you reinforcing in the next person? Is your focus keeping you from winsomely reaching others for whom Christ died? That’s good enough for the other side – because if they can’t make you turn, perhaps they can make you ineffective. They surrender you to keep the ones you can no longer reach.

So – don’t let yourself get so distracted, even in important things, that you forget to stay near Christ and draw others to do likewise. The time we have is too short whether Jesus calls us from deathbeds or clouds. Here we can take a lesson from Christ Himself, when the man on the cross expressed belief in Him, that was all that was required of a dying man.

Christ is Lord – everything else is a side issue.