Not-so-Blind Faith

knowing our God is GOD & our Bible is Truth Fulfillments of prophecy, in history and as we observe current events The only spiritual structure that has God coming to Man (all others are Man trying to appease God – how can we know what appeases an unknowable god?) Archeological & Scientific findings vindicate the …

Christian Citizenship

Where do you get your information & what do you do with it? News to pray for Verifying the story, getting to the facts Digging out what needs to be known Filtering out what’s not an eternal priority What do we do with bad laws? Our country was founded on the fact that King George …

Choosing Your Conditioning

What is Normal?  Choosing your Conditioning You are what you eat – in mind and body A steady diet of Thomas Covenant & Belgariad had Pam & I speaking like the characters & pondering whether some of their beliefs & experiences might be true in our world Elimination Game TV is conditioning us to look …

When I was a Child

Reference: I Cor 13:11 I Spoke as a Child That’s Not Fair!   (appropriate when you’re ready to do something about injustice) I Want My Mommy/Daddy!  (appropriate sometimes, but God is our support) Mine’s Better than Yours (appropriate when discussing Theology/Faith – as in, which God is GOD?) My Turn! (your turn to take on responsibilities …

Fountain of Pain

For an object lesson, everyone received dixie cups and some water from a watering jug – this represented “life force” which God gives to everyone…it could be money, influence, health, talent, any number of things – every good & perfect gift is from God.