Crappy Sex

Reference – the ‘Bones’ Procedural Forensics Drama starring Emily Deschanel & David Boreanaz

They’ve solved the mystery and are grabbing a bite to eat in a diner, the wrap up for the episode, and Booth makes some comment about “Crappy Sex”, and Bones asks him how he knows it’s “crappy”…

BOOTH: “Making love – making love – that’s when two people become one.”
BONES: “It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space.”
BOOTH: “Yeah but what’s important is we try and when we do it right, we get close.’
BONES: “To what? Breaking the laws of physics?”
BOOTH: “Yeah, Bones – a miracle. All those people with their role-playing and their fetishes and their little sex games – it’s crappy sex. At least compared to the real thing.”

Booth is startled when Bones replies, ““You’re right.”

and I agree with them both!

Incidentally, I also agree that “the real thing” is limited to the boundaries God set up – the absolute trust that comes from the ultimate commitment between one husband and one wife who have sworn to love, honor, cherish – for better/worse, richer/poorer, in sickness/health – forsaking all others, clinging only to each other and to the God who made them, this ultimate relationship, and its ultimate expression.

And that miracle? Sometimes it leads to other miracles – the kind that show up about 9 months later and make life a more interesting place to be.

Bones, Season 3, “Death in the Saddle”