Forty Days (#11-13)

With this, I may be caught up, for a little while…

  1. I am thankful for my American Heritage – like every other group of humans, we’ve made some horribly wrong decisions from time to time, often due to common character ailments such as short-sighted greed. Meanwhile, we’re still (for as long as it lasts) a reasonably calm, generally self-governed, independent collective that pursues freedom for the individual and his/her right to exercise conscience and faith as s/he sees fit.  It’s shifting, scriptures have long said that it would, history has warned us as much as she can (as much as the authors/editors/publishers/censors allow), but I remain proud and thankful to be a citizen of the United States of America.
  2. I am thankful for my Christian Heritage – yes, the group of humans known as ‘christians’ has blown it too, but because we believe in Christ we can hope for redemption, and rely on His promise that He’ll work everything out, even failures.  By the testimonies of others, and my own experience, I have come to know that my God IS GOD.  This is a blessing not afforded to the majority of most other populations.  It is a blessing missed now by many in our current generations.  For all its foibles, errors, and outright sins, my family has introduced me to the Creator and to His Word, and for this I am eternally thankful.
  3. I am thankful for my Literate & Thoughtful Heritage – there are those who cannot (or will not) process words (dynamic or written), who are blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine or popular fad.  Because reading and considering were important in my home, my foundation is more stable.  I can know what I believe and why, process new information, make adjustments as necessary, and defend my beliefs.  I can see inconsistencies that seem to get past far too many people, and I can compare them to existing evidence to make a reasonable judgement on what is true.

It is because I was raised with a love of thought and literature that I can find and apply wisdom now.  It is because I was introduced to the living God that I can hope for guidance and redemption in every decision. It is because I was born in a free country of independent people that I can pursue my own decisions, wherever they may lead.

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