Genesis 1-3: Creation to Fall

God exists outside of time.  At some point, He decided to make people and, of course, a place for them to live.  These chapters provide an account, in varying degrees of detail, of how He set about doing just that.

He spoke into existence all that is… then He reached down to the surface of the planet to scoop up some dirt and hand-craft a man, who He called Adam.  He bent forward and breathed into this creature something that no other plant, animal, or object on this world has: a living soul, an essence of God Himself.

Next, He gave this man one directive, one opportunity to choose obedience or self-will: Don’t eat from that one tree, all others are freely yours. (Relationships aren’t real if there’s no opportunity to not be in them – it’s the difference between love and captivity.)

This man needed a companion suitable to himself, so God again reached down to the surface, and from the man’s side created a separate but equal, different but same, human female.  She also carried her own living soul, and these two, God declared to be one.

A conversation with an outsider, an opposing spirit with a slick lie, led to the first act of rebellion and the willing corruption of the world, humanity, and all that would follow.  The couple was sent away from the garden to do things for themselves – this is what they had chosen.