Forty Days (#11-13)

With this, I may be caught up, for a little while… I am thankful for my American Heritage – like every other group of humans, we’ve made some horribly wrong decisions from time to time, often due to common character ailments such as short-sighted greed. Meanwhile, we’re still (for as long as it lasts) a …

Forty Days (#8-10)

…still catching up… I’m thankful for scriptures in our language – It would be an untruth to say that I take full advantage of this blessing, but I’m thankful for it all the same.  I can read for myself what God has said, kept secure, and honored over the centuries.  I can rely on the …

Forty Days (#4-7)

Forty Days of Praise…  and as with any other ‘do this daily’ thing I set about to do, I’m in catch-up mode…  Yes, I even do that with sleep and food – anything that’s not screamingly urgent like, well, disposing of food. I am thankful for the people who believe in me.  There is a …

Forty Days (#1-3)

It’s actually about day #7….I haven’t taken the time to build the brain-port that will grab my thoughts and feed them to the computer.  Some days, that’s a good thing.  Other days, when my mind is on a roll but my hands are doing other things, it would be so convenient… On a long overnight …

The First, The Last, Amen

Betty Waller Parsley Stepp, 3/10/07 – written 3 years, almost to the day, before she passed away on 3/7/10, after a long journey through Alzheimers The last time I saw her was a Grace, and Amazing… In a small country church, she rose to go forward and sing. She had done this before in her …