Week 2

This week, the primary health concern has again faded toward the background – it’s still worth monitoring, but I’ve seen improvement. On the other hand, one of the travelling bugs has decided to visit me, this one with sinus & coughing issues, and the sensation of being much warmer than my other ill friends who can’t seem to break through chills.

The workload is still a bit overwhelming, but my shift in health status and some clarifications from key professors (not to mention a holiday) has made it seem a bit more manageable.  It may also be noticed, by those taking note, that I’ve not made updates to the other two blog sites this week.  I confess a bit of concern that my newfound optimism has something to do with my great skill at procrastination…

This evening marks the beginning of Wednesday Night Bible Study, some time with Beth Moore’s teachings and more importantly, some time working live in my second language among those who know it best and care enough to correct me with varying levels of gentility.  Today is also the day I will be meeting with a potential housemate and new friend, with the dual goals of reducing expenses and increasing signing opportunities.  We’ll see how it goes – prayers for wisdom are much appreciated.

This weekend, along with some community commitments and weekly homework, I intend to make significant headway into the three key research projects:  expertise on 3 Latin American countries, investigations into the origin & status of Wicca, and a feasibility study for various aspects of the business called Stained Glass (which has nothing to do with glass).  Attempts to find ways to overlap the research projects are not meeting with much success at this point.