Dare to Compare – Not!

So…I read over my blog… the items I believe to be worthy of putting out for the public, or the carefully worded updates on what’s going on in my realm.  I’m impressed by some of my writings, especially The Contract and The Teddy Bear.  They are beautiful to me, and I’m a little more willing to put them on parade than some of my other works.

Then, I read another blog, and I am blown away.  The creativity, the wordplay, the raw staccato of a new widow’s life with her two young boys, the artistic dance of visualizing scripture and relating to our Heavenly Father…  and I am tempted to hide my offerings.   How can I possibly compare with – and yet – the rainbow has reds, yellows, blues, and the colors between like orange, green, and purple.  The body has hands, feet, a mouth, internal organs, and a way to dispose of whatever went into the mouth.  Each are created with a purpose, to work together, to transfer certain information to the mind and to respond to the commands.

This is why Paul warned us, don’t be looking at yourself as better or worse than another.  All have their place, and the whole community is interdependent – show respect, be humble, and get in there & do whatever you’ve been designed to do.   Sing, sign, fold balloons, hug children, pick play-doh out of the carpet, walk with a friend, learn, listen, and even write.

Lord, forgive me for comparing – it’s a nasty habit we humans have – and remind me that You are amazingly able to love us equally, and you want us to share your love, as we experience it, with each other.  Help me to not be swayed by pride nor jealousy, but to honestly and freely give whatever You’ve placed in my hands this day.

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