Dear WP^2 – Rhythm Returns

Lesson 1: even adults need to learn, like how to write WP-squared in a blog title. I’ll not be calling you WPP outside the family circle… but what happens around Grandma Q stays with Grandma Q (unless it’s too funny not to share – you’ll learn). Your grandma and I went geocaching yesterday. We look forward to teaching you — she has hiking boots for you!

You’re one month old as of yesterday, and your custom quilt is (finally) finished. One thing you’ll learn about your Aunt ‘Neen is that she can’t resist a good object lesson. As I was stitching along, I found that sometimes the stitches went from lovely swoops to nearly zig-zags. Anyway, it got me thinking… life’s like that stitching…

Aunt ‘Neen and your grandma have been friends since the late 1970’s. Your mama’s baby blanket was the first one I made, when she was your size. Yours is way cooler!

There’s a rhythm, a flow that goes with the regularity of sunrises & seasons… Sometimes, it drags on like a too-long winter or a spring that refuses to bloom. Other times, – you can’t catch your breath – the swoops become more like zig-zags. (2020 has been like that!) But here’s the lesson, and when you look at your quilt, it’s something I’d like you to remember… Rhythm Returns. That’s the promise declared by God’s rainbow – the organic one that shows up in the sky after a rainstorm (or in the sprinkler on a hot sunny day). He said He put the rainbow there to remind us that the sunrises and seasons would keep coming around in their turns (Gen 8:22) — and He keeps His promises.

see Spoonflower .com for fabric

The other thing I’ve prayed for you to remember, and it’s become the life verse I claim for you, is the LORD is with you (Judges 6:12). No matter where, no matter when, no matter what. Jesus created all things, and He created you, unique and special. He has plans for your life, and He will bring them to be. Your cooperation will make that a much better journey, to be sure. You’ll learn that too. (May you learn it early.) The rest of the verse says “mighty man of valor,” and I’m looking forward to the man you’ll become. The rest of the story is how God used a man many overlooked to lead a laughably small army to defeat a much larger army of bullies. God does things like that. May you also learn that early.

Until then, our little WP^2, rest in knowing you’re loved just because you are. Soak in language, culture, humor, and faith in Jesus, because that’s how He designed you for this season in your life. You were sent to this family on purpose, and we’re thankful to get to know you.

Enjoy your quilt and remember: rhythm returns and Jesus never leaves.