woman carrying baby at beach during sunset

Teaching Love

So what do you do with your little guy? How do you teach him to live in this (or any) society? You sing “Jesus loves the little children, ALL the children of the world.” You soak him in scripture – not just Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (but do include those). You teach him that ever since Cain & Abel, brothers have wanted God’s favor at a cheaper price, have turned a dark eye and a murderous hand to their own kin, have refused to look to the good of one another. You teach him that there are many different languages around the world because that – language, not blood, is how God chose to quash human arrogance one day. (Blood is how He chose to reunite us to Himself.)

You teach him that there are many different cultures, each of them having their own way of tending to, or responding to, the world around them. There are many fabulous food styles, yet every group has recipes for meat, vegetables, and starches. Bread is something we all have in common, whether sandwich slices, pita, tortilla, baguette, fry-bread, or other. Being in America, where many people from many cultural backgrounds live, gives him a unique and amazing opportunity to taste them all. Take him to Jazz festivals, Irish festivals, German festivals, Italian restaurants, Greek restaurants, and more. Teach him how every culture has a musical style for joy and another for lament. Maybe he’ll decide that pigs feet and Chinese music aren’t for him – but he’ll learn that one person doesn’t have to like everything. We just have to recognize that differences exist, and they are the expressions of different people groups.

Teach him that there are many different skin tones because generations of people lived their lives closer to the poles or closer to the equator, and the amazing bodies God designed adapted by producing different levels of melanin. Then make some cookies. If you mix chocolate chip cookie dough and leave it on the counter, it will stay light. If you bake it the prescribed 8-10 minutes, it will get brown, and if you bake it a few minutes more, it will turn black. But it’s all dough, it all makes cookies, it all tastes good with ice cream. And we are all, with different features and tendencies and experiences, we are all One Human Race.

Most importantly, you teach him that the only, only thing that’s “one size fits all” is the saving blood of Jesus, and He loves ALL the children of the world.