If I ran the Welfare System…

As a cashier observing the patterns of people coming through the grocery line getting their sustenance for the day/week/month (yes, even a year’s worth in one visit!), there are a few things I’d like to see done differently.  I really believe that the below proposed adjustments would be very helpful for both the recipients and …

It’s not your demographic, it’s your inappropriate behavior!

Persecution happens, all over the world, for a variety of reasons, most equally inexcusable. But c’mon, people, not every little inconvenience is worthy to be called persecution. Sometimes it’s just an appropriate response to inappropriate behavior.

Matrix and Other Movies

I finally watched Matrix last night – interesting – more because the NT Prof, McCabe, used it as a reference for defining sin and how permeating it is, and how comfortable it is for those who have not been introduced to the real world and its freedom. It was even said that some of the …

Notes on Life

‘k…so I’ve been writing a letter to my neice for her 16th B’day… and writing… and writing… some of it’s good stuff…stuff I’d tell my crew if given another chance or two… and, lest it take my dear niece until her 17th birthday to read it all, I figured I’d put some o’that out here …

Crappy Sex

BOOTH: “Making love – making love – that’s when two people become one.”
BONES: “It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space.”